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Restaurant Design

This is where you tell the story of your brand. Iconic brands such as Disney and Coca-Cola have long realized the power of their brand story to build a connection with their audience. Companies like Apple possess brand stories that are legendary in their status.

What’s in a story, though? How does the story develop authenticity? More to the point, how does such a story create that trusting feeling that customers crave?

We are here to help you

Let us express who are you, what is your mission, what is unique selling point of your Restaurant
to increase reliability as well as impress customer

Scope of Work

Space Planning

Coordination with client to develop a new space plan for both (FOH) and (BOH), to include prep area, hotline, service line, front counter, and furniture planning for client’s review and approval; based on client’s requirements to improve efficiency.

Design Coordination and Installation

CE Design will provide budget management and scheduling of all activities to ensures smooth and successful completion. We will oversee procuring of architect and contractors. Coordinate project details with procured architect and contractors.  Manage the ordering and tracking of equipment, coordination with contractors for delivery and Installation of equipment.

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